

文化博天堂官方网站所 & 社会时事通讯


1.  教师奖学金简介会

4月15日星期一下午12点.m. 在天空银行房间,201A BTSU
ICS will be hosting an information session for prospective applicants to provide more information about the fellowship, 回答有关申请过程的问题, 并分享以前的ICS教员最近提出的强有力的建议的例子.  

2.  征集方案:更好的托莱多系列

文化博天堂官方网站所 & 社会 邀请您提交一份提案,以供公开展示 更好的托莱多-个人和职业发展系列,以确保“你在托莱多会做得更好”.”
的 presentation will take place on September 5, 2024 at the Toledo Public Library to kick-of 欢迎周: an annual event that brings together neighbors of all backgrounds to build strong connections and affirm the importance of welcoming and inclusive places in achieving collective prosperity.
We are looking for an engaged and enthusiastic graduate student or faculty member at BGSU to deliver an interactive talk or workshop on a topic of their choice that speaks to the “Welcoming” theme. Presentations should be 1 to 2 hour long (including audience participation) and may cover a variety of themes relevant to 欢迎周 such as diversity and inclusivity in a creative way.
Your proposal should include a brief description of the talk or workshop topic related to “Welcoming” and how it serves the public good through interdisciplinary humanities/arts/social sciences research, 还有一份简短的简历.
2024年4月3日前提交你的提案, to ics@bjqzgy.com

3.  申请截止日期:学生实习

Are you a student who is looking for opportunities to put academic research and writing skills into practice? Are you looking for meaningful work experience and course credit from the convenient location of BGSU’s campus? 然后考虑申请成为ICS的实习生. 实习生在活动策划方面获得宝贵的经验, 市场营销及公共关系, 平面设计, 博天堂官方网站和课程发展, 媒体制作, 和更多的.

4.  资讯会及工作坊:团队教学计划 (与CFE合作)

演讲者:博士. Valeria Grinsberg Pla,文化与社会博天堂官方网站所(ICS)主任
对与专业以外的同事共同教授一门课程感兴趣? 在本次信息会上, you will learn more about the 文化与社会博天堂官方网站所 (ICS) Team Teaching Program and the interdisciplinary 教学团队 process.
ICS views interdisciplinary 教学团队 as an innovative approach to education where two or more instructors collaborate to plan, 教, 一起评估学生. This 教ing method allows educators to combine their strengths and expertise in two different disciplines to create a dynamic and engaging learning environment for students. 的 Team Teaching Program provides an opportunity to support interdisciplinary 教ing teams and empower faculty and students alike while leveraging the strengths of the humanities to serve the public good.
Learn about the ICS Team Teaching Program, eligibility for the program, and the application process.
Identify what should be included in proposal applications as well as what proposals will be given priority.
日期 & 时间:2024年4月12日下午12:30-1:30.m.
您可以通过点击 link.
了解更多关于 教学团队.


Dr. 蒂莫西·梅瑟-克鲁斯,文化与批判博天堂官方网站学院教授



点击这里观看 记录.

Dr. 贾斯汀·雷克斯,政治学系副教授



点击这里观看 记录.

Dr. Scott Piroth,政治学系教授



点击这里观看 记录.



ICS U.S. Poverty Cluster has been collaborating with community health agencies to improve health and social outcomes for low-income women and babies, 并改善患者与医疗服务提供者的关系. 该集群获得的赠款总额超过626美元,博天堂官方网站俄亥俄州西北部的婴儿死亡率, 通过俄亥俄州高等教育部的第三前沿博天堂官方网站项目, 与ProMedica合作, 俄亥俄州西北部医院委员会, 和Mercy Health. 联系 贾斯汀·雷克斯博士 (政治学)和 Dr. 凯伦Johnson-Webb (地球、环境与社会学院)获取更多信息.  


的 ICS 拉丁 American and 拉丁o 博天堂官方网站 Cluster continues their work on and off campus to increase the visibility of 拉丁 American and 拉丁o/a studies through programming initiatives, 课程开发, 和博天堂官方网站. 目前的活动包括将于3月15日举行的年度拉丁裔/a/x问题会议, 以电影制作人米歇尔·斯蒂芬森为特色,以及针对及时话题的社区对话, K-12辅导项目, 以及客座演讲者的演讲. 联系 Dr. 旧金山Cabanillas (世界语言)获取更多信息. 


在2022年秋季,博士. Michaela Walsh (民族博天堂官方网站) collaborated with Bowling Green High School 学生 as part of her ICS Faculty Fellowship project on “Navigating Crisis Across Borders: Experiences of a Mexican Indigenous Community in Times of Covid.” Walsh facilitated an interactive arts-based workshop with BGHS’s upper-division 西班牙语 classes to consider the challenges that language barriers present to marginalized communities, 特别是在COVID-19大流行期间, 以及翻译在信息可及性中的重要性. 的 students created public health posters and shared that work at 艺术X and at the Wood County District Public Library.

在2022年秋天,Dr. John Dowd(通讯)与Dr. Jo Beth Gonzalez’s theatre students from Bowling Green High School as part of his ICS Faculty Fellowship project on “AI and Everyday Life: Finding Our Footing in Contemporary Digital 社会.” 的 high school students developed a short performance centered on teens’ social media use and body dysmorphic disorder, 他们在佩里斯堡的Way公共图书馆表演的. 


ICS now has Executive Board Members from three local non-profit organizations to help us connect with communities across the region. 认识我们的合作伙伴:


俄亥俄州第一个免费的公共图书馆, the 托莱多卢卡斯县公共图书馆 has served as a neighborhood hub of activity for 184 years. 杰森Kucsma, 图书馆执行董事兼财务主任, aims to further its roles as civic and community centers with a vision to "be the first place people turn to when they want to broaden their horizons or connect with one another.了解更多关于 托莱多卢卡斯县公共图书馆的项目和服务(包括如何与图书馆合作的信息).


的 Great Lakes Consortium (GLC) for International Training and Development in Toledo provides extensive community programming to promote international collaboration and cooperation. 的 GLC creates partnerships and opportunities to help individuals, families and communities thrive. 有关如何参与的更多信息,请联系 Dr. 伊丽莎白Balint.

WCM标志颜色vert 01伍德县历史学会介绍伍德县的博天堂官方, connecting memories of the past to the present while facilitating an informed future through educational events, 展览及节目. 欲了解更多信息,请联系 冬青柯肯特尔伍德县博物馆馆长.


BG的想法 播客第九季

From poetic ethnography to indigenous representation in film to the importance of leadership, BG Ideas播客第九季的特色是与学者进行有趣的讨论, muscisians, 导演, and writers about amazing interdisciplinary work being done in and around the university to help address social problems for the public good. 《博天堂官方》每周三早上9点播出.m. 美国东部时间1月31日至3月20日. 欲了解更多信息,请访问: bjqzgy.com/bgideas
